Budget 2022 and Schemes for Women Empowerment

The dark times are gone when a woman was instructed to remain in the house and perform household activities. In this changing era, women were able to come out of the shackles and stand strong at par with the men with gender equality being the modern-day trend. The role of the government in empowering women has been remarkably appreciated.

The initiatives such as Beti-Bachao, Beti-Padhao, Women Helpline Scheme, Mahila Police Volunteers, Mahila E-Haat have been proved as a great success in providing opportunities and confidence to women to step out from their limitations.

The National Budget 2022 as presented by the Honorable Finance Minister on
1st February 2022, has widened the path for empowering Nari Shakti through revamping the following schemes in addition to the ongoing initiatives:

            Mission Shakti- The Scheme of Mission Shakti has been revamped for the betterment of women. Mission Shakti is a scheme that helps in empowering and improving the lives of women all across the country. The Central Government would work with the states in order to make this mission a success, which eventually would contribute to the nation’s success.

Mission Shakti helps in the economic empowerment of women by promoting women’s self helps groups, which provides avenues for independent employment of women.

            Mission Vatsalya- Mission Vatsalya is a special mission which is launched to extend help and support to the women who have lost their husbands due to COVID-19, under this mission various benefits and services are provided to such women and the mission especially focuses on women belonging to the rural areas and other lacking and deprived backgrounds.

Mission Vatsalya provides support to women as a helping hand in times of crisis due to the pandemic.

            Saksham Aanganwadi and Poshan Support 2.0-Under this Scheme, the Ministry Of Women and Child Development will extend support to over two lakh anganwadis for their upgradation to Saksham Anganwadis under the scheme Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0.  As quoted by the Finance Minister in her speech, saksham anganwadis are the new generation anganwadis that have better infrastructure and audiovisual aids.

The upgraded Anganwadi’s would be covered by clean energy with improved environments for early childhood development.

Women Empowerment is now history and woman-enabled empowerment is going to be the next wave in the development growth of India.

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