Setting up of Mahila Shakti Kendra

Mahila Shakti Kendra at Village Level – In India Women are treated badly in every field, be it political, social, education, sports and technology and innovation. Thus, it is essential that they are empowered to be independent and stand on their own legs.

To eradicate these ill beliefs of society, many schemes have been introduced by government since a decade or so. Mahila Shakti Kendra concept was introduced by a poor lady to help each other. Slowly this group became part of government scheme where anganwadis are structured at every village level.

The Union Budget of 2017 has introduced improvement in Mahila Shakti Kendra by allocating funds of 1,84,632 crores. Mahila Shakti Kendra will be set-up at village level with an allocation of Rs.500 crores in 14 lakh ICDS Anganwadi Centres. This will provide one stop convergent support services for empowering rural women with opportunities for skill development, employment, digital literacy, health and nutrition. Under nationwide scheme for financial assistance to pregnant women Rs.6,000 each will be transferred directly to the bank accounts of pregnant women who undergo institutional delivery and vaccinate their children.

However, a deeper analysis of this budget depicts that the amount Rs 500 crore divided amongst 14 lakh anganwadis in the country amounts to just Rs 3,571 for each Mahila Shakti Kendra. The anganwadi workers are already working on Rs.5000 a month, therefore the allocated money for each kendra will not fulfill even worker’s wages.

The introduction of self employment and skill development to health and digital literacy there arise requirement of better management of such schemes. The cut down budget 2017 for Mahila Shakti Kendra will result in no change condition of women from existing.

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